Delhi Aftab Amin Poonawalla-Shraddha Murder Case: Here’s The Full Story So Far!

Anju Kairon

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New Delhi : The most horrible and socking case of our Country is Shraddha-Aftab murder case. Now police is trying to find out all evidence. According to information, Delhi police along with the suspect Aftab Amin Poonawalla went to the forest of Mehrauli and try to find the body parts of Shraddha over there. Its being told that till now 10 body parts have found. Although police didn’t give any statement on this till now. check out Shraddha-Aftab Murder case full story

Who was Shraddha ?

Shraddha walker was 26 year old girl who was working in a Multinational company in Mumbai. where she met with Aftab. Both started liking each other. In starting Shraddha didn’t told her family about her relationship with Aftab. But one day she told her family that she is in Live-in relationship with Aftab. Family explained to her but she didn’t understand. In fact she left Mumbai after some time.

Than both were started living in Mehrauli, near Chhatarpur. where Aftab murder Shraddha after an argument with her. Than he cut her body into 35 pieces and spread them. When Shraddha’s phone got switched off her family became worried than her father reached Delhi police that how this case became open.

Shraddha-Aftab Murder case

Today Shraddha would have been Alive, If Mumbai Police had listened her:

A socking information came across in this case. Shraddha filed complained about the violet behavior of Aftab 2 years ago to Mumbai Police. Media Sports Claims that on 23 November 2020 Shraddha wrote a complaint letter to Mumbai Palghar Police. In this letter She mentioned that her Live-in partner hit, beat her. If Action by Police is not taken in time.

Than Aftab will kill her and cut her into pieces .It also Claims that Shraddha also informed her family about violent Behavior of Aftab but they did nothing. Mumbai Police is saying that on shraddha’s complaint important action had been taken by police at that time. Later on she wrote that everything became normal between them and case got closed.

Shraddha’s chat before murder comes in front:

Delhi Shraddha murder case take a turn. Delhi police talked to Aftab’s parents and take their statement. On 17th November Lie detector test of Aftab had done. Meanwhile Shraddha’s last chat before murder comes in front. she murdered on 18 May between 9 to 10 pm. before that in the evening at 4.34 pm Shraddha sent a message to a Friend. she wrote that “I’ve got news”. That mean before her murder she wanted to say something important to her friend.

Aftab accept his crime in front of Judge

During an important statement in Delhi circuit court Aftab accept his crime in front of judge. According to media Reporter Aftab said that- ‘what I did in anger. I Already told everything to police’. He said that ‘I am having trouble remembering the incident. Polygraphy test of Aftab will also happen today.

The accused has been arrested and case under IPC section 302 (Murder) and 201 (causing disappearance of evidence have been registered. Further investigations into the case are underway.

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